Wellness Wednesday: Know When To S.T.O.P

In lieu of this seemingly never-ending pandemic, and so many other things taking place…someone needs to know that its okay NOT to be okay. Believe it or not, I didn’t know this until recently.

I’m sure you’ve heard the old saying, “No use in crying over spilled milk.” I now know, that the saying is false. Recently, a bowl of spilled milk did exactly that. It made me break down in tears.

Instantly, I felt like I was really losing it! I had to sit down and think about why I reacted the way that I did. What was going on with me? Where was my mind ?  

That spilled milk made me realize that I needed to learn when to S.T.O.P!

lSit down for a minute

lTake time for myself

lOpenly speak to someone about my emotions, and


This has been a hard year. Anyone dealing with preexisting conditions may have found themselves a little more overwhelmed than usual. A bit more anxious. That little box that we are constantly trying to break out of feels like its getting smaller, everyday. Understand that it’s okay to feel the way that you’re feeling. However, you cannot stay there. Here are a few tips to help, while you’re getting help;

lDO NOT DISTURB - Let your loved ones know that you are going to be shutting yourself off for 48 hours. Of course, you want to reach out to those you love to let them know that you’re okay. Don’t accept calls from anyone that you know will be calling you with information or chatter that will only serve to rile you up. This includes gossip, family drama or anything else that defeats your purpose.

lNO SOCIAL MEDIA OR NEWS TELEVISION - Both of these are gateways for negative energy, images and information. If you have to log out of your accounts to make it easier, so be it. If TV is your thing, watch "Feel Good" TV. 

lTRY TO AVOID VISITORS - This isn’t always easy because sometimes people just show up but the point is to take time for you. If you have smaller children at home, your time is when they are asleep. Do something that relaxes you. Again, avoid anything that is overstimulating or that causes frustration.

lDON’T LET ANYONE TO TELL YOU HOW TO FEEL!!!!! - If you have anyone like this around, just get rid of them! Point, blank, period.

Those are only a few things that you can do when you’re feeling like it spiraling. The most important thing that you can do for yourself is reach out to a professional. Yes, it’s a struggle. Always remember that you don’t have to struggle alone.

Thanks for reading. Live life on purpose, with purpose! Be blessed!

 ***Natonal Suicide Prevention Lifeline: (800) 273-8255

*Photo courtesy of CoolClips.com*






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