Wellness Wednesday: Know When To S.T.O.P
In lieu of this seemingly never-ending pandemic, and so many other things taking place…someone needs to know that its okay NOT to be okay. Believe it or not, I didn’t know this until recently. I’m sure you’ve heard the old saying, “No use in crying over spilled milk.” I now know, that the saying is false. Recently, a bowl of spilled milk did exactly that. It made me break down in tears. Instantly, I felt like I was really losing it! I had to sit down and think about why I reacted the way that I did. What was going on with me? Where was my mind ? That spilled milk made me realize that I needed to learn when to S.T.O.P! l Sit down for a minute l Take time for myself l Openly speak to someone about my emotions, and l Pray!!! This has been a hard year. Anyone dealing with preexisting conditions may have found themselves a little more overwhelmed than usual. A bit more anxious. That little box that we are constantly trying to break out of feels like its getting smaller, everyday. Unde...